Sunday, June 05, 2011

36 Hour Editing Marathon - Call us the INSANE Hatters!

My writing group, (the Mad Hatters') decided to use this first weekend in June for a 36 hour editing marathon. The goal for each of us is to get our manuscripts whipped into shape for the deadline to receive a free proof copy that is part of the NaNoWriMo prize package.

 The proof copy is a bound and finished book - tangible proof for those, 'Yes, I did write a book, why do you ask?' moments. Like most of the Hatters' , I am under no delusions that the proof copy will be the 'finished' version. What I would like is for it to be the best I can make it at this time. Then, I will have a 'real' book in my hands that I can eventually (by end of July) read as I would read any novel. At that point, my plot holes, glaring mistakes and typos will leap out at me and allow me that one last chance to revise before I start the long road to querying agents.

So - 34 hours into the marathon I can report (with a self-satisfied grin) that I have done really well. I am now confident that I will be able to meet the June 30th deadline with a book that I am not totally embarrassed about. If I never succeed in getting published, at least I will have this one solid proof of the effort it takes to write a book. If I become a successful author, it will serve as the tangible proof that the journey started here. No matter what happens, I have a lot to be proud of!

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