Saturday, April 10, 2010

Families - The Ultimate Writing Destroyers!

Yes.. I am guilty.

The GrandBoys look at me with their big brown eyes, trembling lower lips, and please, please, pleases and I cave.

I rationalize that 1500 is not that far shy of the 2500 word daily goal.
I promise that I can get back to the writing after the boys are tucked in for the night.
I make excuses about the fleeting hours of childhood.

In other words, I am guilty of letting my family destroy my writing time.

Luckily for me, this only happens occasionally. My normal situation is that of an empty-nester living in a small apartment that requires little upkeep. My husband and I live simply and this allows plenty of time for writing and composing.

What I struggle with is the requests from family. You know the type:

"Eddie, you don't have a job, could you come stay with the GrandBoys/niece/nephew for a few days?"

My next challenge is learning how to manage these requests and keep writing. I can generally write anywhere as long as I have a relatively comfortable chair, a nice cup of tea and my iPod.

I will just have to find a way to keep schedule when I am not in my own house.

Is that a Grandson I hear calling?

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