Thursday, December 03, 2009

Not a Winner - but Not Conceding Defeat Either

Thanks to my friends and family for the kind words of support. They have not fallen on deaf ears. I did not win at NaNo - but I am going to keep writing on this book. Even working 14 hour days and part or all of 3 weekends in November, I managed 10,000 words. Not only did I not have time to write, but I didn't have time to post what I have written here.

My story is gripping me and I am dreaming it which is always a good sign, so I am going to continue working on it. I will start posting again - maybe two or three times a week in 500 to 1000 word segments to make it easily readable in the BLOG format.

As I told Clarice - I WILL finish this book, and the revision of the first one, and the completion of the unborn first one (yes, Heather, The Gentry Witch will see her day!). I will continue to write - because it brings me joy, because the stories keep bubbling out of me, because of the love and support of my family and friends.

Thank you.

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